Thursday, March 12, 2009


welcome again to the weekly edition of my short movie reviews.

watchmen - 8.5/10 - this movie is a lot longer than i thought it would be. not that i didn't check the times before i went to see it but it was about a 3 hour experience. i would like to never again see an electric blue schlong for several years but what can ya do right? lol. anywho i have not read the graphic novels. sean has and says they stick well enough to them to be reputable. i feel the audience could tell right away who the bad guy was going to be and how everything was somewhat going to turn out. i suggest going to see it if you're a comic book/superhero kinda folk. otherwise wait for dvd or ignore it all together.

nurse betty - 8.5/10 - i haven't seen this film in forEVer but i found myself watching it today and i forgot how much i really enjoyed it. huzzah for a lot of actors i don't watch all that often anymore. i vote go buy it today. a little bit of violence. a lot of drama. well worth it.

as for everything else, we're currently on spring break. this would be a happy time if i weren't running a fever and currently doing what i've been told not to do by my physician with my carpal tunnel. turns out i may have to have surgery because well surprise surprise i spend about 18 out of 24 hours a day on the computer. i waited until i couldn't possibly stand it anymore to go to the doctor and now i have this huge bracer that i think i could knock people out with. on top of that i'm meeting with usc orthopedics students on monday to see what they think. i hate that my insurance here at the school only covers these orthopedics students. i'm thoroughly frightened but eh whatever. sure it'll work out somehow and if it doesn't maybe i'll have a lawsuit of some sort worth something lol. so i'm heading back into the other room to put my brace back on and stop typing as it is apparently taking away my movement slowly.

anywho hope everyone else is doing well...enjoy the silence...