Wednesday, October 15, 2008

biology revisited

if you're of the adult persuasion and enjoy those evil, gross, disturbing things in life then i suggest some reiko.

enjoy the silence.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

we cleared protector's realm!

that's right ladies and gentlemen...our measly casual raid force cleared protector's realm last night! huzzah! this was the first night we were able to get past doomcoil [evil mechanical snake of doom - hence the name] and we even managed to finish off the last two encounters which was awesome because i got my first mythical update. i know this means little to nothing to those of you who don't play eq2. let's just say we've come a really long way from running courts. i'm just very excited. also in other eq2 news knights of the shadow dragon now has a guild hall. complete with giant baby dragon of course! anywho i'm off to work my arse off for a guild harvest box and to grade some more biodiversity reports. have a great day everyone.

enjoy the silence!