Wednesday, February 11, 2009


push - 7.5/10 snaps - sean and i both enjoyed the film. i really like dakota fanning so i thought i may be a bit biased. i think there's a comic that the movie is based on but i am not positive. it's your normal superhero film with a tiny twist. i read some critic's review that said this movie had a bit of a memento feel and i have to agree. you've got all sorts of powers: bleeders [although sean and i think they should more aptly be called screamers] who function like banshee, movers - obviously your telekinetic folks, pushers - push whatever thoughts they want into your head, watchers - those that see the ever-changing future, stitches - can manipulate your insides by touching you...ew, shadows - can hide people and apparently locations, wipers - can get rid of certain memories [hello eternal sunshine of the spotless mind], and shifters - can change things appearances. i would definitely want to be a shifter. dude was spending paper as money - so totally super cool! anywho i think if you like such films as jumper and memento then you'll enjoy this one as well.

have a great day - i'm off to school...

enjoy the silence...

oh teh sims...why have ye forsaken me?

so i've been anxiously awaiting the sims 3 which was due to come out at the end of february ever since my sims 2 game decided to ingest a bug and stop working correctly even when reinstalled. on february 3rd the idiots at ea decided that they were going to postpone the title until JUNE. /cry

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


coraline - 8/10 snaps - saw it in 3d - one can see the film either way and prolly come out with the same experience. it stuck to the book like glue. very cute. feel free to drag along kids and adults of all ages regardless of whether they are willing. it's a nice lesson movie for kids too about how they should appreciate what they have or maybe more about how the grass isn't greener on the other side...

i have yet to see push but may get a chance to do that today depending on sean's work schedule [spooky that the first time i typed sean's name i listed him as fievall - who's been playing too much everquest? that's me...but i have my cloak of the harvester so :P]

sean's birthday is coming up and we had a small family party at my aunts last sunday. it was a dual birthday party for sean and thomas' new girlfriend laura. i HATE giving out gift cards to people for any special occassion but i don't know laura well enough and that was about all she had on her list so we got her a gift card to barnes & noble. i'd have much rather purchased a book but what can you do? i've started reading a new manga called fairy tail. it's fairly interesting as the characters who are all powerful wizards also seem to have something odd wrong with each of them. ex: one gets carsick all the time, another is perpetually removing his clothes, one chick is an alcoholic. i've read the first two and i'm enjoying it thus far. i really need to catch up on bleach. i've obtained all the episodes, just haven't watched them yet.

also the wonderful card company holiday is looming around the corner. i have no idea what we should do for valentine's day. i have obtained a present so at least i'm that far into the game. last year we ended up eating at a waffle house on singles awareness day as we had to go help tandy [sean's stepdad] because he had blown a tire [or tires...i'm fuzzy on this] on his 18 wheeler on the way back to south carolina from georgia so we drove to georgia and sean helped him do some kinda work on the trailer which ended up pulling it up higher so he could ride back without two tires. by the time we got back to lexington nothing else was open making waffle house our only option. we ended up sitting next to a group of teenagers who all magically had free waffle coupons [appeared as though they had copied them or some such] which caused the manager to call another waffle house that had supposedly issued the coupons and ended with the teenagers all having a free meal. hopefully this year we'll be able to either go somewhere or do something nice at home.

enjoy the silence...