Thursday, July 03, 2008

hancock and some epic eq2

hancock 7/10 - the movie was cute [and when i say cute this time i mean cute...not badass]. it was really short [1.5 hours] and with the digital theater we saw it in the really neat fight scene was so quick you couldn't keep up with it to see what was going on. besides that i really enjoyed it. entertaining enough but still left you wanting some more. some really great scenes. it's one of those films you can see now or wait till it comes out. either way you should prolly give it a go at some point.

last night's eq2 run was great! we went into chardok which is an evil evil zone and finished this horrid wyvern who goes by the name of severclaw. our group consisted of keline [beline's guardian], fievall [sean's brigand], phinneas [dad's necromancer], ritan [mom's conjuror], and fantar [ranger]. so fantar needs severclaw as the last named in his epic. fievall and i have fought severclaw before. the sucker has killed us at least twelve times if not more. well so we start the fight and things are going well. i burn one of my tunare powers that gives me 50% extra heals for 30 seconds and then it wears off. severclaw is down to 50% health and our tank drops. and then mom's pet is magically staying alive tanking the mob and then he goes down and she goes down and dad and his pet go down and fievall has feigned death in the corner. fantar starts kiting the mob around and so i'm basically out of mana but i start rooting the mob. and we're down to 5% of his health remaining and he starts moving so very slowly when he breaks my roots so i'm popping mana stones, necro hearts, and conjurer shards to try to get the teeniest bit of mana to keep at least one of my roots holding him still so fantar can pummel him with arrows. finally, finally i have enough mana to burn him and i cast a fire spell and he goes down! then he promptly respawns about 5 feet from my toon and i scream out of pure fright that he's back but apparently i was far enough away for him not to notice me ::quiet sigh of relief::. so then we evac as golems and di'zoks are repopping all around us and taking notice that we're still there and head down to court of korucust where we get phinneas his update for his epic by killing korucust although the first time we got to cok none of us had a key so we had to go kill the bridge keeper in order to obtain one and then got in no problem. we tried to go back down again and get to beline's [keline's main] epic spot but we weren't able to so we have made plans to go back next wednesday to get his update from the chardok library and the sebilis research area. all in all had a great time and am insanely ecstatic that we got both of those updates.

enjoy the silence.


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