wow so i found my blog from forever and a day ago in 2003...obviously. it's amazing how your life changes, your views change, your goals change, the people around you change, and how you just literally "grow up." i look at things i worried about then that aren't a big deal now and how things are different in just 5 years and how lots of people i know have had things happen in their lives that are incredibly worse than how my life has turned out. it's amazing how everything changes!
so there are some blog postings that would cover a tad bit of the lapse that can be found at my myspace page if you're in for some movie reviews and light reading about my life.
brief synopsis of what's going on atm. i own a house in lexington, sc. i'm about to start grad school at usc in biology for my phd. i'm dating the man of my dreams who goes by the name sean south. the current animal population is as follows, aurora (corgi), eros (corgi), rukia (catahoula leopard dog mix), aremis (cat), petie (horse), and cooper (horse). a lot of the other animals have new homes. luna unfortunately passed away when she managed to get out of the house a coupla years ago and run straight into the highway in front of my home. my address is on hwy 6 and it's a very dangerous road. sean and i live together and we have a roommate jon. amy and jason got married! my plans are to get through my phd as quickly as possible and start post-doctoral work and hopefully get a teaching position at clemson so i can sell the house in lexington and move back to the area i love so much.
if/when you read this before i was about 40 lbs overweight. well since then i've gotten up to 100 pounds over and now i'm back down to just 80 lbs over so i'm on a diet that i've been sticking with for about 2 weeks now and i exercise at least 4/7 days per week. i don't get to see the horses very often as they're back at jake's place but i'd really like to start riding again. although i think if i do start riding again i would actually like to go bound back into the world of lessons and just let petie and cooper hang out as yard ponies since they seem to enjoy that lifestyle.
i still hate capital letters. i drink way less and can moderate it much better now than before which is most definitely a good thing as getting overly drunk has gotten me into way more trouble than i ever want to be in again. i haven't had a drink in a month and a half as part of a four month stint of not drinking that i'm currently working on.
i'm an everquest 2 addict. i'm quite good at it if i do say so myself. i've graduated from eqoa and moved on to bigger better things. my main is pyper who is a level 80 warden/80 provisioner with 140 aas and is currently working on transmuting skill levels on the crushbone server (previously innothule) if you ever want to play. i play with a great group of people that i love and enjoy spending time with. and i'm sure you all knew i'd end up as a druid in eq2 just like i was in eqoa. i'm a healer through and through.
anywho i'm currently working, sending claims and entering payments for vista psychiatric consultants so i really should get back to the end of the month crud right away.
i hope everyone is having a wonderous day!
enjoy the silence.
-pyper aka ach
What Goes Here?
7 years ago
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