interesting things happened this weekend. i was very busy. so let's get started.
friday. went and saw hellboy 2 which i'll give 7.5/10. stop reading now and skip to the next paragraph if you haven't seen it unless you don't plan on going to see it. i was kinda peeved at how easily they rid themselves of this damned ancient crown because if it was that easy, really that easy, then the pieces wouldn't have survived all those years and they could've prevented the two elves from perishing in the end. plus it was oh-so-obvious that the princess was going to kill herself from the beginning of the film in order to end the evil prince's reign of terror. other than that i thoroughly enjoyed the film. although apparently sean resembles ron perlman so maybe i'm a bit biased. i thought it was better than the original hellboy. i do think the idea of him [hellboy] having children, especially twins, is a bit frightening.
so friday after hellboy 2 sean has promised i can have a new kitty! so we go to pets inc to see if they have anything we like. sean finds a cute calico kitten that he likes. i'm happy with anything sean likes so we go to the desk to get the paperwork for the kitten. we fill it out. it asks about the other animals we have and then we get to the difficult questions dealing with is your current cat declawed. me being the truthful person i am put yes on the front paws only. more questions. i finally finish [it was really only two pages] and take the papers up to the front desk. the workers take my application and get this look on their faces. one of them comes around the side of the counter and tells me that we can't adopt this kitten because their number one rule at the adoption center is not to allow these cats to ever get declawed. so i say, "i understand" and so does sean and we nod as she says their managers will call us to let us know whether or not we can adopt the next morning while the whole time we both know we'll never get any call whatsoever [and we didn't] on top of me thinking shouldn't spaying and neutering be your first priority but surprise surprise they send animals home completely intact expecting you to go get it done or you forfeit your $125 deposit. we leave and i get all sad and depressed and break out into tears that i'm not good enough to adopt a kitten from pets inc which i volunteered at for years of my life when i was younger back when it was called adopt a pet and lived behind kimbrell's furniture in west columbia. so i finally come to the conclusion that we'll go get a kitten at the shop road animal shelter since it's probably an animal that needs a home more than any of the animals at pets inc and the animals at the shelter are actually healthier than those at pets inc that are being neglected as the staff is too busy being teenagers and just chatting it up and ignoring the smell of urine that pervades their facility. so i chalk it up to fate that that pets inc kitten [they called it gumdrop...ick...] would find a fantastic home and that i am destined to have another at the shelter where i've adopted before and got kairi who now resides with nick in west columbia.
so we decide to go to the animal shelter saturday morning at 9am when the shelter opens because saturday is my dad's birthday and we're going to the village at sandhills to see journey to the center of the earth in 3d and to eat lunch at 10:45am. well we get to the shelter at 8:45am and sit in the car with the windows down listening to all the dogs bark and npr as we wait for them to open. the shelter opens and they have a huge cat room to the right filled with cats running every which way. adorable kittens everywhere! there's a sign on the room that says no entry. so we ask the shelter worker [very interesting accent...we've decided she's either french canadian or german] if we are allowed to see any of them. turns out the room is full of cats passing around some nasty upper respiratory infection so none of them are available for adoption. well i know they have another room with kittens and what they also call the fat cat lounge. so we head into the kitten room and sean goes, "oooh look at the white one!" seeing as how we currently have a black cat, it would be rather cute to get the white one. well so we look at all the kittens and sean can't tear himself away from the tiny white one. he's obviously fallen in love with it. so we go to the front desk and tell them we want to adopt him. turns out he was found earlier in the week at the shell station on north main in columbia. lucky kitty. he's not completely white. the shelter has him marked as a flame point siamese which i suppose could describe his cream color with the tan points on his ears, paws and tail. he's not quite so striking as other flame point siamese colored cats that i have seen but he is gorgeous. so we fill out the paperwork and take him home. he was a whole $68, 8 weeks old, neutered, one round of shots, two ear mite treatments [i'm still working on fixing that], microchipped, negative fiv/felv test, and dewormed. so not only has he thus far turned out to be perfect for our household and fit in great with the corgis and aremis [took her a whole two days to get over the fact that we'd brought another cat home] but he was an even better buy [not that it matters because i would've paid $125 for him anyways]. so sean calls him ghost at first then learns that he's a flame point siamese [at least in color] so we decide to call him blaze. which leads sean to think of hellblazer which obviously leads to us calling him constantine. and that's his name and it shall stay that way because he already has a vet appointment for friday when aurora goes in for her shots so it's already that way in the vet's computer [plus i like the name]. here he is trying to be a keyboard [or a mouse i suppose] on sean's desk.

i know...adorable isn't he? so then we're taking him to my work so that we can leave him there in a crate in the air conditioning while we go to the village at sandhill with the family. i hear a ticking noise as i'm driving to work and ask sean if he hears it too. at first we think it's the motorcycle behind us but then the ticking gets louder and the motorcycle hasn't gotten any closer so i pull over and it turns out my tire had blown out. not just any tire but the brand new one we had to get when there was a carpenter nail that somehow managed to make a hole in my original tire that couldn't be patched because of its location. so we then can't find the jack for yoshi [my silver yaris...yes i know yoshi wasn't silver...the name just fits]. turns out it is under the driver's seat when there is a space for it in the back next to the spare with the arm for the jack as well [go figure]. sean changes the tire once we find the jack [with a helpful 15 minute call to the toyota service department to find out where it was since my user manual had been removed when i refinanced my car at half the interest i had initially several weeks before]. we make it to work just in time to drop off the kitten and head out to the sandhills. here's another picture of constantine cause he's just so cute!

oh and those eyes are currently blue but i'm guessing they're going to change as he ages. anywho journey to the center of the earth in 3d gets a 6/10. not really too much to give away here. i figure most of you have seen one of the other versions of the film or have read the novel. i was somewhat disturbed by how much i could see brendan fraser's nipples poking out in the outline of his sweater/shirt through a lot of the movie. my mother thinks he's the hottest thing ever so she loved the film. i don't know how good it would be if not in 3d because a lot of good parts were made to be much more thrilling in three dimensions. i was preoccupied enough for one and a half hours to give it more than an average of 5. on a sidenote i cannot wait to see bolt in 3d as well! "i eat danger for breakfast!"
we then headed to red robin to eat lunch. i've never eaten there before and it was a nice experience. plus my mom yelled at our waiter, joel, that it was my dad's birthday and they came over and shouted some rhyme really loudly embarrassing him as they should on your birthday. plus he got a free sundae out of the deal. the food was pretty good and i think we all enjoyed the adventure to the outskirts of camden err i think we're now calling it a portion of columbia.
saturday night brought a shard of hate raid. sean got a nice wrist item. we then helped beline, phinneas [dad], singinliz, and fuzzypawz with their epic updates in chardok. dad also won this sweet warg off the queen in chardok with some awesome mage stats on top of his epic update. we had a pretty fun time with several friends.
sunday we headed to work for a bit. sean hadn't worked on saturday so he went in on sunday to make up for it and i worked on reading my biology text, trying to awaken some of this knowledge i supposedly absorbed in high school and college. we had lunch at aunt nita and uncle ed's house in honor of dad's and amanda's [cousin] birthdays. we got dad all 3 resident evil films in blu ray, for amanda i picked out some really pretty jewelry at hand-picked [which now has a location at lexington in that strip with the new target.../cheer...], and i brought jessica [thomas' (amanda's brother, obviously another cousin) girlfriend] one of those ikea fangst closet storage dealies in blue. i have one in teal and i love it. she's moving into a dorm room and she seemed to really like the fangst once she opened it...she even knew what it was, i was somewhat impressed. her birthday was several weeks earlier, but the fangst hadn't shipped in time to make it for her party.
we finally made it home and i promptly passed out while watching tv because i'm having wonderful allergic reactions lately and the benadryl allergy formula makes me sleepy. eh it's been an awfully long post and an awfully quick weekend.
so for now, enjoy the silence.