well i originally thought about entertaining you with the story regarding the title of today's blog but i've decided it'll prolly just be better for you to make up a more interesting one all on your own. this was all started by sean finding a baby snake outside our house this am and our capturing it in our attempt to identify it to make sure it was safe to leave outside. we're thinking it's an eastern hognose snake but aren't completely positive. i've decided to call him hamlet since he has the word hog in his name and i'm assuming he's a he, i'll prolly never really know. and as i'm sure you all guessed we went to see burn after reading this weekend with my folks.
burn after reading - 9/10 snaps - 3 words. ha ha ha. i've come to the realization that actors WANT to make movies with the coen brothers because it looks like they have a great time doing such. i suggest going to see it if you have that sarcastic sense of humor required for the coen films. actually i suggest going to see it just to see what george clooney creates in the film. oh i'm hardly able to type i'm laughing so hard. i have to finish downloading no country for old men cause i still have yet to see it /gasp!
eh besides that everything seems to be going well. coming down with another throat sickness but maybe i've squished it already by downing half a gallon of oj yesterday. i'm well enough to work so i'm not too worried about it. i'm going to guess i'm getting it from all these students who keep telling me they are ill. then don't come to class! heehee. i'm loving teaching and getting back into the groove of class. just wish i had some more time for gaming. spore has been great fun. i only have one creature that i came up with and made sean design for me that looks like a cross between a squirrel and mr. snuffleupagus [yes i looked it up for correct spelling]. then we played a little bit at my aunt's house and came up with another creature called the johnavore [ha ha aren't we creative - my brother's name {johnathon} mixed with the word carnivore] that looks like some kinda mosquito with two really tall legs. if you need a spore friend send me your name. mine's nightpyper and sean's is gonei95. sean's on the space stage, i'm about to start the civilian stage [i told you i haven't had time for gaming] plus i want to start back up on knocking out the bleach game on the wii. unfortunately i'm at the stage where i have to play as hanataro yamada and i just think that's going to end badly several times over as he's a healer in the anime, not quite that great a fighter. anywho, back to the daily grind!
enjoy the silence.
What Goes Here?
7 years ago
1 comment:
No Country for Old Men was good...but even though I enjoyed the movie, I'm still not sure what to think of it. If you've watched it already, you'll know what I mean.
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