Tuesday, July 08, 2008

you want me to go where?

so in the wonderful world of everquest 2 we're working on the newly released epic weapons [newly released meaning 6 to 8 months ago plus]. i have mine ::grin::, my dad has his [in fact he's almost got his second one], and my mom has hers [which required an incredibly difficult final fight to obtain involving me yelling 3 3 3 at the top of my lungs while at my parents' house followed by my mother and i screaming and jumping up and down]. sean on the other hand does not have his yet. so these epic weapons are all nifty and you typically have to be maxxed out at level 80 to start the quest lines required to obtain your weapon. so for most epic weapons there are these series of difficult kills that requires a group of level 75-80 toons or even a coupla groups depending on mob difficulty...well...sean's starts that way and we kill the two initial mobs. not so bad, we're on our way. the next step for the brigands is a bit ridiculous. you have to obtain 4 robes. the robes drop off mobs that are currently grey to sean's character. when you kill a mob that is grey to you in everquest 2 as with many mmorpgs, you get no loot. therefore the only way to get loot in everquest 2 is to find a lower level toon who will go with you to the zones that said mobs are residing in and mentor to make yourself a lower level and allow the mob to drop loot. we find a guy who's willing to help us with the first named and get him out of the way in sos. the second robe is from a heritage quest that we complete so fantastic! robe 2 out of the way. the third and fourth mobs are in not so easy places to drag a lower level character. so looking at the quest there are alternate ways to obtain the 3rd and 4th robes by clicking two chests in some higher level zones known as karnor's castle and sebilis. so karnor's castle and sebilis are some high end group zones and we decide to hit up karnor's castle first because we've been to the area where eq2i suggests there is a chest. so we get in there and see this guy just run past all the initial mobs which are really nasty high level 73 and 74 ^^^ heroic drolvargs [imagine a werewolf that's in control of himself but extremely angry at the world and wants to kill you for no apparent reason...now you've got a drolvarg and heroic mobs are those meant for a group of six]. so we try it, like idiots, about 5 times. we die about 5 times. so then sean [fievall] realizes he has his god power that will drop all aggro from the group so we attempt the run a 6th time and make it to where the drolvargs keep their riding rhinos which don't hate us and drop all the mobs from the entrance. we then fight our way up the stairs and along the ledge on the outside of the castle slaying drolvargs as we go. we make our way to the hallway with the stairs leading down to the undead spirits that are some other inhabitants of karnors. for some reason these undead are unable to see past invisibility or stealth so fievall invises himself and i use a jaguar totem for stealth. we creep down to xalgoz's lair. he's floating there with his mistmoore emissary both of which can see through our invis. the chest is supposed to be behind xalgoz so in thinking that somehow i can rescue fievall if he is seen i remain in stealth on the stairs in front of xalgoz as fievall goes to sneak around behind him for the chest, hoping not to get close enough for xalgoz to spot him. fievall finally makes it around behind him and spots the small chest. he creeps up and waits for the other floating spirits to move away and quickly opens the chest, retrieving the robe! fievall recasts his invis and makes his way back to the stairs where i immediately cast escape and we're out of the castle with robe in hand.

next we're off to sebilis where the mobs become level 80 and 84^^^ heroic. we get pretty close to where the chest is supposed to be located and are slain several times when we finally give up. more attempts to follow this evening.

eeep! time to get back to work.

enjoy the silence.


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