Sunday, July 13, 2008

yahtzee reviews lego indiana jones

i really liked this week's zero punctuation of lego indiana jones so here it is. if you'd like to see more, visit yahtzee's videos at the escapist magazine. i enjoyed the psychonauts review an awful lot because i liked psychonauts and yahtzee did too. also, the escapist likes to give some of their other shows some advertising by putting them at the end of yahtzee's videos. once you get to the unforgotten realms portion, yahtzee is finished and that's another one of their random series [oddly enough on their site it was a drawn by pain advertisement, makes me wonder if the adverts change every time you load up the video...hmm...].

enjoy the silence.


1 comment:

TOPolk said...

His Guitar Hero III review was quite possibly one of the best things I ever saw on the Internet. I'm a big fan of his stuff.